Protecting a summer lit night
Native spotlight: Protecting a summer lit night Start a discussion about lightning bugs and you are bound to hear someone say, “I used to see more of them,” an accurate

Blueberries are superstars!
From pies to helping bees-blueberries are superstars! Blueberries being planted at Laurelwood? Are our volunteers planning to make pies? No, blueberry bushes are being installed at Laurelwood not for their

Helping Our Birds in Winter
“For the birds” is an idiom used to describe something as trivial or nonsense. Originating during WWII, it is believed to be a reference to birds pecking at manure to

Monarda – From Bees to Tea
The many common names of monardas make it easy to see why using a plant’s botanical name is important. Bee balm, Oswego tea, horsemint, and bergamot are some of the
Insects: What’s The Real Threat? Tune in to Native Plant Channel to Find Out
Master Gardener Lourdes Osorio has a mission—to create a welcoming world for butterflies, bees and other pollinators, one garden at a time. While many people see insects as a threat,

WAIT! Don’t do it!
As the weather begins to cool this month, gardeners’ thoughts will turn towards putting their gardens to bed. Here is the most trouble-free way of preparing your garden for winter—don’t

Sunflowers – More than a Symbol of Summer
A quintessential symbol of summer and carefree days, when gardeners think about sunflowers many quickly picture our annual sunflowers, those tall denizens that stand statuesquely over a fence and are

Value the Violet
April is an exhilarating month for gardeners as the early spring bloomers begin their show. Diminutive and dainty, sometimes we don’t appreciate a plant that seems common. But take a

If you can plant only one tree, what should it be?
Planting a tree is one of the most impactful actions a gardener can take. Trees can provide innumerable benefits to the landscape, ecosystem, and home. Places where trees stretch across

Most gardeners are familiar with evergreen hollies, a traditional plant used for holiday decorations with its glossy green leaves and stunning red berries. There are various species of hollies native

Getting Started with Native Plants
Let’s face it, the world is out of balance! Our ecosystems are dysfunctional and events that should be occurring once-in-a-blue-moon are now commonplace (hurricanes and tornadoes in New Jersey, and

Singing for Joy with Little Bluestem
Suggesting that gardeners plant a grass can seem humdrum. However, little bluestem will have you singing for joy with its many attributes. Graceful, architectural, easy to grow, wildlife friendly, deer