Experience the soothing sounds of gentle music at Sound Bathing, on Friday, May 17 at 6:30 pm to 8 pm at the Knippenberg Center for Education at Laurelwood Arboretum, 725 Pines Lake Drive, Wayne. The program is sponsored by Friends of Laurelwood Arboretum. Pre-regisration is required at https://laurelwoodarboretum.org/civicrm/event/register/?reset=1&id=85
$15 for members of Friends of Laurelwood Arboretum and $25 for non-members
Sound bathing is a meditative experience done seated or lying down while listening to a variety of sounds that facilitate relaxation of the body and mind. Tibetan bells, crystal singing bowls and other instruments are used. The program will be led by Deb Manfredonio, a Certified Sound and Reiki Healer. After the experience, participants may ask questions and try their hand at producing sounds themselves with the various instruments.