Gardening for Nature Program To Highlight ‘The Magical World of Fireflies’

Gardening for Nature is a five-part series of programs focusing on creating an ecologically friendly garden.   The Magical World of Fireflies, second in the series, will be presented by Lourdes Osorio on Thursday, July 13 at 6:30 pm in the Knippenberg Center for Education at Laurelwood Arboretum, 725 Pines Lake Drive West in Wayne.  The fee for the 90-minute program is $10 for members of Friends of Laurelwood Arboretum and $20 for nonmembers.  To register, go to  The program is eligible for 1 hour of Passaic County Master Gardener Continuing Education credit.

Osorio is creator of the Native Plant Channel on YouTube and a member of the Friends of Laurelwood Arboretum Board of Directors.  “Probably no living creature immerses humans in a magical realm as much as fireflies, or lightning bugs, do.  Yet, few of us know much about them or how to protect them,” she said.  “As their numbers decline worldwide and face extinction, learn what steps you can take to protect them.”  Osorio will talk about the life cycle of fireflies,  what makes them glow, how they have inspired people throughout the ages, and best gardening practices to protect them.  Her talk will be followed by a walk in the arboretum (weather permitting) to look for fireflies and learn more.

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