Gardening for Nature is a five-part series of programs each focusing on a different aspect of creating an ecologically friendly garden. Speakers include Lourdes Osorio, creator of Native Plant Channel on YouTube and a member of the Friends of Laurelwood Arboretum Board of Directors. Each program is eligible for 1 hour of Passaic County Master Gardener Continuing Education credit.
The first program in the series, From Buzz to Chirps and Flashes: Creating a Garden Paradise for Pollinators, will be presented by Lourdes on Saturday, June 10 at 12 noon at the Knippenberg Center for Education at Laurelwood Arboretum, 725 Pines Lake Drive West, Wayne. She will discuss how gardeners can create a healthy habitat for a variety of insects and birds in their own gardens. Garden design, maintenance, and native plant selection will be addressed, as well as specific host plants and what insects they support. The fee for the 90-minute program is $10 for members of Friends of Laurelwood Arboretum and $20 for nonmembers. To register, go to www.laurelwoodarboretum.org