Volunteers Continue their Work at Laurelwood Arboretum

FOLA volunteers at work in Laurelwood Arboretum
FOLA volunteers at work in Laurelwood Arboretum

A group of Friends of Laurelwood Arboretum (FOLA) volunteers worked to stabilize a bare soil bank near “Dorothy’s bench” along Look-Out Trail. The bench was made by John Knippenberg. It is composed of a split hemlock log with a lumber back. It is where Dorothy would sit to look out and view the lower gardens near the pond.

Ten volunteers weeded the hill and then divided and transplanted winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum). “This is a tough woody perennial that has a spreading habit and colonizes easily,” said Elaine Fogerty, Laurelwood’s Executive Director. “The plant grows three feet high and four to six feet wide.  Sweet yellow flowers bloom in February and March. Winter jasmine is moderately drought tolerant and has no serious disease or insect pests, perfect for a dry slope.”

Come visit the arboretum at 725 Pines Lake Drive West in Wayne to see the ongoing maintenance and beautification work done by FOLA’s hard-working volunteers.