Deer Me! Understanding Wayne’s Overabundant Deer Population
Lourdes Osorio, Master Gardener and volunteer at Laurelwood Arboretum, will discuss issues regarding our local deer. Click here to watch the Wayne Public Library / Laurelwood Arboretum presentation. Fawn in

A Destruction, Dollars, Death and Disease: The Unsustainable NJ Deer Population – Statewide Emergency (Part 4)
This is the fourth in a series of four articles on New Jersey’s overabundant deer population, focusing on the damage to our ecosystems. Links to the first three articles appear

Destruction, Dollars, Death and Disease: The Unsustainable NJ Deer Population-A Statewide Emergency (Part 3)
This is the third in a series of four articles on New Jersey’s overabundant deer population, focusing on health issues caused by deer. Part 1 focused on the deer population

Destruction, Dollars, Death and Disease: The Unsustainable NJ Deer Population-A Statewide Emergency (Part 2)
Deer are beautiful, graceful animals and an important part of a healthy ecosystem when they occur in sustainable numbers. Unfortunately, New Jersey’s deer population is out of control and is

Deer in your yard? Try these strategies
Deer damage in home landscapes is a vexing problem, and no single strategy promises perfect control. Here are some things to try: Deer- resistant plants – Landscape with deer-resistant plants

Destruction, Dollars, Death and Disease: The Unsustainable NJ Deer Population—A Statewide Emergency (Part 1)
This is the first in a series of articles that will examine the problems associated with New Jersey’s overabundant deer population. This article addresses the population numbers and the problems experienced by Laurelwood Arboretum. Future articles will address the economic impact, ecosystem degradation and ramifications for human health.

Deer pose threat to shrubs and trees in winter
During the winter months, deer can do a great deal of damage to shrubs and trees. They browse on exposed foliage, eat the bark of young trees, and rub with their antlers.

Deer in the Arboretum
As winter arrives, the herds of deer who make Laurelwood Arboretum their home grow hungrier and hungrier. Despite our best efforts, they are devouring many of our prized plantings. Even the plants that are considered to be deer-resistant are eaten.