Two beautiful hand-hewn benches created by artist David Robinson for Laurelwood Arboretum are now on display in the garden. One is in the Sensory Garden and the other is inside the front door of the Knippenberg Center for Education. There are many reasons to donate a bench—to celebrate a milestone in life or to honor or memorialize a loved one, to name just two. Each bench is dedicated with a commemorative plaque with wording chosen by the donor.
Donations to the Donate-a-Bench program support Friends of Laurelwood in its mission: to preserve Laurelwood Arboretum as an oasis for the enjoyment of nature and to provide opportunities for environmental awareness through educational programs, community involvement and outreach activities.
Donations may be made in cash or securities and are deductible for income tax purposes to the extent allowed by law. To learn more about the Donate-a-Bench program, please send an email to info@laurelwoodarboretum.org or call 973-831-5675.