Rick Mikula, known around the country as “The Butterfly Guy,” presented a Saturday afternoon educational program to a group of 49 children and adults at the Knippenberg Center for Education at Laurelwood Arboretum. It was the first public program hosted at the new center by Friends of Laurelwood Arboretum.
In a lively demonstration, Mikula donned hand-sewn butterfly-parts to illustrate anatomy. His PowerPoint presentation included photos of many caterpillars and butterflies. He showed how to handle and transport butterflies, and then put a number of live butterflies into a house he had made of netting and embroidery hoops. At the conclusion of the program, the children were encouraged to ask questions and touch the butterflies.

Mikula is President of Butterfly Rescue International and serves as consultant to the Association for Butterflies and the International Butterfly Breeders Association. He is the author of several books on butterflies including the award-winning, The Family Butterfly Book, The Butterfly Fandex and Garden Butterflies of North America. In addition, he has appeared on many TV shows including Animal Planet, The Discovery Channel.
The butterfly program is one of a series of educational programs and activities sponsored by FOLA. Coming up on Octobe r 20 at 4 pm is a free Native Plant tour led by FOLA’s plant identification committee.